Sinanpaşa Mah. Şair Nedim Cad. Akaretler Sıraevler E2 Blok D:4 K:1 Beşiktaş/İSTANBUL

الملف الشخصي C على البارد

الصلب الملفوف C المشكل على البارد هو نوع من الفولاذ الذي يتم تشكيله بالدرفلة على البارد أو الضغط. يستخدم بشكل شائع في صناعة البناء لأغراض مختلفة ، مثل الدعم الهيكلي للجدران والسقوف ، وكذلك لتصنيع المسامير المعدنية والمسارات. يعطي الشكل “C” للملف الجانبي مزيدًا من القوة والصلابة ، ويمكن قصه وثنيته بسهولة ليناسب مجموعة واسعة من تطبيقات البناء.

يمكن حساب مساحة ملف تعريف C المتكون على البارد باستخدام صيغة مساحة المستطيل ، وهي الطول × العرض. يمكن الحصول على طول وعرض ملف التعريف من مواصفات الشركة المصنعة أو عن طريق قياس ملف التعريف مباشرة.

بالإضافة إلى المنطقة ، تشمل الخصائص المهمة الأخرى للفولاذ المشكل على البارد C قوة الخضوع والقوة النهائية والليونة. هذه الخصائص هي عوامل مهمة يجب مراعاتها عند اختيار الفولاذ المناسب لتطبيق معين.

من المهم ملاحظة أن منطقة ملف تعريف C ستتغير مع ثني ملف التعريف أو تشوهه. سيتم تقليل مساحة المظهر الجانبي مع ثني المظهر الجانبي ، بسبب قوى الضغط والتوتر التي تعمل على الفولاذ. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ستتغير مساحة ملف التعريف أيضًا حيث يتم قطعها إلى أطوال مختلفة ، لذلك من المهم أن تكون على دراية بهذه التغييرات عند حساب مساحة ملف تعريف C على البارد.

يرجى الحصول على معلومات مفصلة من فريق Mitral Metal الفني.

خطة / مشروع

الخطط والمشاريع المعدة بعناية هي الخطوة الأولى في عملنا

التصميم والبناء

اختيار وتصميم نوع المنتج حسب المشروع المعد


إنشاء دقيق للمشروع المخطط له والمنتجات المختارة

Dimensions (mm) 28 x 100 x 28 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,40 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

U-100 Drywall Profile is used 100 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. Drywall blocks are applied up to the floor and ceiling ends. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall.

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


• Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.
• Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria
• Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/m2
• Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.
• Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.
• Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.
• Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.
• Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


• Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls
• Ceiling drywalls
• Water-proof drywalls
• Interior design drywalls
• Fire-proof drywalls
• Dry ground covering drywalls
• Sound- and fire-proof drywalls
• Water- and fire-proof drywalls

Dimensions (mm) 28 x 75 x 28 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,40 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

U-75 Drywall Profile is used 75 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. Drywall blocks are applied up to the floor and ceiling ends. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall.

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


• Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.
• Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria
• Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/m2
• Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.
• Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.
• Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.
• Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.
• Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


• Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls
• Ceiling drywalls
• Water-proof drywalls
• Interior design drywalls
• Fire-proof drywalls
• Dry ground covering drywalls
• Sound- and fire-proof drywalls
• Water- and fire-proof drywalls

Dimensions (mm) 28 x 50 x 28 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,50 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

U-50 Drywall Profile is used 50 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. Drywall blocks are applied up to the floor and ceiling ends. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall.

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


• Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.
• Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria
• Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/m2
• Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.
• Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.
• Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.
• Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.
• Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


• Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls
• Ceiling drywalls
• Water-proof drywalls
• Interior design drywalls
• Fire-proof drywalls
• Dry ground covering drywalls
• Sound- and fire-proof drywalls
• Water- and fire-proof drywalls

Dimensions (mm) 42x99x42 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,40 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

C-100 Drywall Profileis used 100 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. It is applied within Wall U profiles. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles applied within wall U profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall.

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.

Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria.

Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/sqm

Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.

Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.

Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.

Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.

Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls

Ceiling drywalls

Water-proof drywalls

Interior design drywalls

Fire-proof drywalls

Dry ground covering drywalls

Sound- and fire-proof drywalls

Water- and fire-proof drywalls

Dimensions (mm) 42x74x42 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,40 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

C-75 Drywall Profile is used 75 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. It is applied within Wall U profiles. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles applied within wall U profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


• Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.
• Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria
• Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/m2
• Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.
• Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.
• Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.
• Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.
• Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


• Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls
• Ceiling drywalls
• Water-proof drywalls
• Interior design drywalls
• Fire-proof drywalls
• Dry ground covering drywalls
• Sound- and fire-proof drywalls
• Water- and fire-proof drywalls

Dimensions (mm) 42x49x42 mm
Thickness (mm) 0,40 mm – 0,60 mm
Length (mm) 3000 mm
Packaging (pcs/bundle) 12 pcs / bundle

C-50 Drywall Profile    is used 50 mm above metal carrier system for partition wall, curtain wall and shaft wall applications. It is applied within Wall U profiles. Drywall blocks are screwed on both sides of the profiles applied within wall U profiles while applying a partition wall and on one side of profiles while applying a curtain wall.

Drywall Profiles  have a wide range of application areas including ventilation and air-conditioning systems, insulation and covering applications, any and all roof, facade, wall and ceiling coverings, partition walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, channel sheet productions for PVC firms, prefabricated buildings, prefabricated wall and ceiling coverings, wall and ceiling coverings of reinforced concrete buildings as well as decorations, covering and insulation applications for stores, offices, hospitals and other desired areas.


• Drywall is resistant against dynamic impacts owing to partition wall flexibility.
• Easily hides installations, has the same pH value with humans and does not produce bacteria
• Load per sqm on a partition wall covered with drywall: Load per sqm on a 35 kg/sqm brick wall: 300 kg/m2
• Ensures fast and easy mounting and dismounting and saves on labour and time.
• Does not cause loss of place on partition walls.
• Ensures flexibility to buildings owing to 9 times lighter nature compared to brick walls.
• Provides excellent sound, heat and fire resistance on partition walls.
• Offers adaptable profile production with desired lengths according to project details.


• Decorative suspended ceiling drywalls
• Ceiling drywalls
• Water-proof drywalls
• Interior design drywalls
• Fire-proof drywalls
• Dry ground covering drywalls
• Sound- and fire-proof drywalls
• Water- and fire-proof drywalls